Does your Time have Value?

You can’t put a price on time.

Yet we do.

We exchange out time for money.

We work for 8 hours and get paid X dollars.

We then take those dollars and spend it on STUFF.

Trinkets, gadgets and the next best thing.

I can’t tell you how many times I have been excited about buying new stuff.

Cyber Monday was my favorite day of the year.

I thought I was getting the best deal I could get with the money I had.

For What?

A new Barbie house, or a pair of jeans?

The latest video game console?

Yes, for all those things.

I spent hours researching the best deals, and then freely gave up the money

my husband spent hours working for us to have.

Was the Value of money and the Value of

My husband’s time being spent wisely?

and if NOT, then what would make it valuable?

These are hard questions to answer, and everyone comes to a different conclusion.

It’s personal.

In order to truly answer this, I think you must take passion into consideration.

What are you passionate about?

Sometimes the answer tends to be your job.

But is that what makes you?

What if you lost your job?

You became extremely ill and couldn’t preform it anymore?

Life has away of turning things upside down.

Things happen.

I often meditate on “our days being numbered”.

Now, I don’t mean for fear to enter in.

Rather, for a burst of Life to explode inside of you.

It’s so easy when we have a doctor saying “You only have X amount of time to live, Go live it”.

Then, and only then do we get our affairs in order, and go bucket list crazy.

Why do we wait so long?

Why do we even allow it to get that bad before we stop?

In my short life span I have met many people that live like this. Work, stress, eat poorly, because well work and stress. They come home dazed and tired not wanting to interact with loved ones. Some resort to drinking, others to prescription drugs, tv, social media or isolation. They are tired, broken, empty and want escape. Escape from the harshness of this world. From the Ground Hog Day. And then they wake up, God willing they are given another day, they wake up, and do it all over again.

They insert weekend plans, and parties, and oh la la events. All to make them feel as if those moments of connections are worth all the work and struggle during the week.

They pretend to care about their kid’s day, while there child struggles in school, or cuts, or lies, or has secret sex.

They miss out on 1st steps, or silly giggles, imagination and growth.

They pass on the baton of parenting to the schools, or the after-schools, the sports teams, the ballet teacher, just fill in the blank.

I know many people that will go House/Stuff poor just to fill that need with their kids.

I know all this because, We were one of them.

Ready to buy our 2nd home in order to fulfill what we thought was the life.

The “American” white picket fence dream.

I hope, I am not coming across judgmental.

My goal here is to only show you that there is more. 

It’s not always easy to figure out what MORE looks like though.


When we realized we wanted to find adventure and live life intentionally.

We had no idea what we were going to do, or what that even looked like.

In fact we sat still for months before we figured out we were gonna buy an entertainer coach.

That was three years ago now. 

We have been cross country a few times, and uncertainties of the future, can still convolute the day.

Yet, we press on and press in.


We hug our kids hard, and spend time connecting.

We enjoy the sunsets or sunrises if one so chooses to wake up that early, ehem.

(Wow, three years ago this wasn’t me. Today I’m up. Today I’ve taken back My Time.)

When we can live life with intention, we can then begin to grasp the value of time. 

 The importance of connections and relationships.

The enjoyment of creation.

The moments when the crisp wind or the warm sun can melt into you.

When a hike can’t last long enough.

When the tiniest bugs are the most beautiful things you have seen.

Moments worth living for.

Pulling the plug and down sizing was the best thing for our family.

I am still in the purge process and I imagine I will be for a while.

Stuff isn’t as important as it use to be and, I’m okay with that.

Find your value in time, and I promise you, not that it will be easier but the weight that holds you down will slowly begin to dissipate.

Press In.

Move Forward.

Have Courage and Take Leaps.

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